ANDY'S ANSWER: I don't know what it is about wanting what we don't have, but it seems to be human nature. Thank goodness for common sense that allows us to see past the wanting and be able to make responsible choices for ourselves. Kind of like when you see that dream dress in the shop window that you might only wear once in your life, but you don't buy it because it would clean out your bank account and what you really need is a new winter coat. Life is full of balancing what we want now with what is best for us in the long run.
I can tell you that in the next few years you are going to have a lot of guys go through your life before you find "the one". Some will leave you with good memories and others will not. You seem pretty mature for 13 years old, at least mature enough to recognize that this guy will not be one of those that leaves you with good memories. Not many girls your age can look ahead with the same clarity. Use that maturity to put this guy behind you and move on.