Teen Tobacco Use in the United States Falls to 25-Year Low

Teen Health & Wellness - Mon, 2024-10-21 07:41
According to a recent CDC report, teen smoking and the use of other tobacco products in the U.S. have dropped to the lowest levels seen in 25 years. The report highlights a 20 percent decrease in tobacco use among middle and high school students from 2023 to 2024. This includes traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, nicotine pouches, and hookahs. The number of youth using at least one tobacco product fell from 2.8 million to 2.25 million, marking a significant decline. Health officials suggest that public health initiatives, educational campaigns, and stricter enforcement against retailers and manufacturers selling products to young people likely played a role in this downward trend.
Categories: Teen Health

New study highlights the dangers of handheld cellphone use among teen drivers

Teen Health 2 - Thu, 2024-10-17 11:21
A new study found a strong association between handheld cellphone use and risky driving behaviors among newly licensed teen drivers. The study used a smartphone telematics application to track the driving habits of hundreds of teens and identify potential safety risks.
Categories: Teen Health

Good physical fitness from childhood protects mental health

Teen Health 2 - Tue, 2024-10-15 12:16
A recent study found that good physical fitness from childhood to adolescence is linked to better mental health in adolescence. These results are significant and timely, as mental health problems are currently a major societal challenge, affecting up to 25%--30% of young people. These findings suggest that improving physical fitness from childhood can help prevent mental health problems.
Categories: Teen Health

Fear of childbirth is associated with shorter duration of breastfeeding

Teen Health 2 - Mon, 2024-10-07 09:53
The duration of breastfeeding is shorter than average among mothers with a fear of childbirth -- regardless of the mode of delivery, a new study from Finland shows.
Categories: Teen Health

Teen Volunteer Uses Piano Music to Relax and Comfort Shelter Animals

Teen Health & Wellness - Fri, 2024-10-04 13:47
Earlier this year, New York City teen Zen Micheline Hung started volunteering at a pet shelter with her parents. A lifelong pianist, Hung was inspired to play music for the shelter pets after observing how her own dogs reacted to her playing at home. After getting approval from shelter staff, she brought her keyboard and started performing mini concerts for the cats and dogs. She plays calming, low melodies and even adjusts the music to match the animals’ personalities and behavior.

In an interview with PEOPLE, Hung said, “It is so rewarding to do something useful, especially if it is something you believe in. Contributing time and effort on a volunteer basis without any pay is not without reward. The reward is a strong feeling of personal satisfaction and seeing the good that comes from that effort.”
Categories: Teen Health

UK Scientists are Working On the World's First Ovarian Cancer Vaccine

Teen Health & Wellness - Mon, 2024-09-30 06:49
Scientists at the University of Oxford have secured funding from Cancer Research UK to create the world’s first vaccine designed to prevent ovarian cancer. Their research will focus on identifying which proteins on the surface of early-stage ovarian cancer cells are most effectively recognized by the immune system, as well as testing how well the vaccine targets and destroys organoids—mini-models of ovarian cancer.

If their research proves successful, the next step will be to initiate clinical trials. The ultimate goal is to offer women a vaccine that could help prevent ovarian cancer before it occurs. It is estimated that over 239,000 women worldwide are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year, with approximately 140,000 losing their lives to the disease.
Categories: Teen Health

Study identifies link between prediabetes during adolescence and young adulthood with the likelihood of adverse pregnancy outcomes

Teen Health 2 - Tue, 2024-09-24 09:28
A new article finds that prediabetes before conception may significantly increase the likelihood of gestational diabetes during first pregnancy.
Categories: Teen Health

Do You Have Nomophobia?

Teen Health & Wellness - Mon, 2024-09-16 06:59
Do you panic or feel anxious when you’re away from your phone or can’t get a signal? You might be experiencing nomophobia, short for "no-mobile-phone phobia." While it’s not classified as an official anxiety disorder, health experts say it shares similarities with other psychological conditions related to specific fears. For instance, someone with nomophobia might worry about missing important news or events if they’re not constantly checking their phone. They may feel uneasy at the thought of not being able to contact others immediately, or imagine stressful scenarios where they didn’t have their phone. Physical symptoms like an increased heart rate, sweating, headaches, or trembling can also occur, similar to other anxiety-related conditions.

Researchers suggest that teens and young adults are more at risk of developing nomophobia, though adults can experience it as well. Earlier this year, a study presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting revealed that over 99 percent of global healthcare providers met some criteria for nomophobia.
Categories: Teen Health

Research reveals reality of Ice Age teen puberty

Teen Health 2 - Thu, 2024-09-12 11:56
Landmark new research shows Ice Age teens from 25,000 years ago went through similar puberty stages as modern-day adolescents.
Categories: Teen Health

COVID-19 lockdowns prematurely aged teenage brains, study shows

Teen Health 2 - Mon, 2024-09-09 14:02
New research has found that lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in unusually accelerated brain maturation in adolescents. This maturation was more pronounced in females.
Categories: Teen Health

Pregnant women exposed to PFAS may be at risk for obesity, heart disease later in life

Teen Health 2 - Thu, 2024-09-05 10:09
Women with higher levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) during pregnancy may experience long-term weight gain and heart problems later in life, according to new research.
Categories: Teen Health

Teen Athletes Redefine Limits at the Paralympic Games

Teen Health & Wellness - Tue, 2024-09-03 10:03
Some of the most exciting athletes at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games are teens, many making their first appearance on the international stage. Among this year’s youngest competitors are Iona Winnifrith (age 13, Para swimming), Bly Twomey (age 14, Para table tennis), Isaiah Benjamin (age 15, Para track and field), Jordan White (age 15, Para archery), and Victor dos Santos Almeida (age 16, Para swimming).

The Paralympics, which began as a small competition between British World War II veterans in 1948, are now the second biggest sporting event in the world. The Games not only promote diversity and inclusivity, but also highlight the determination, hard work, and amazing achievements of athletes with various physical, visual, and intellectual impairments. Nineteen-year-old Ezra Frech, who recently won his first gold in the men’s 100-meter sprint, says, “I try to use my platform to be an example for people with disabilities. I want to not only normalize disability but show what is possible with disabilities. I want them all to know that sport is possible for them.”
Categories: Teen Health

New Study Reveals High Incidence of "Drowsy Driving" Among Teens

Teen Health & Wellness - Tue, 2024-09-03 07:28
A new study from the U.S. National Sleep Foundation reports that one in six teen drivers reported having driven drowsy. Based on these findings, the study authors estimate that more than 400,000 American teens drive drowsy at least once per week. The majority of study participants said their work or school schedules prevented them from getting adequate sleep. The teen drivers with jobs were more than twice as likely to have driven drowsy than teens without jobs.

“Driving drowsy” means driving while feeling very tired or sleepy. When a driver is sleep-deprived, their attention and focus diminish, and they become more easily distracted. They may even experience microsleeps, brief moments of dozing off that last a few seconds. This reduced alertness slows the driver’s reaction time, making it harder to avoid hazards on the road. Not getting enough sleep is also associated with poorer decision-making, which can increase risky behavior while driving.
Categories: Teen Health

FDA Suggests New Guidelines to Help People Cut Down on Sodium

Teen Health & Wellness - Fri, 2024-08-23 08:19
Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unveiled a new plan to reduce sodium intake among Americans by 20 percent, lowering the average to 2,750 mg per person per day from the previous recommendation of around 3,400 mg. Over 70 percent of sodium in the average person’s diet comes from processed and restaurant foods such as canned soups, deli meat, and frozen meals and snacks.

Consuming too much sodium can elevate your blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke, and may also lead to kidney disease, kidney stones, stomach cancer, and osteoporosis (a weakening of the bones). Health officials emphasize that reducing sodium intake during your teen years is crucial because the dietary habits you form now often continue into adulthood.
Categories: Teen Health

CDC Says Teen Mental Health Is Slowly Improving

Teen Health & Wellness - Fri, 2024-08-16 14:18
According to data from the CDC’s 2024 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, American teens are showing a slight improvement in their mental health. The number of students reporting feelings of sadness or hopelessness decreased from 42 percent in 2021 to 40 percent in 2023. Although the change is small, it marks the first decline in over a decade. There were also modest yet significant decreases in the percentage of female, Hispanic, and Black students who experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness or who seriously considered attempting suicide.

Despite these encouraging trends, the report highlights ongoing disparities in youth mental health, particularly among girls and LGBTQ+ students. The CDC also noted an increase in the number of students reporting violence and safety concerns at school or on the way to school, with a growing number of students missing school because they don’t feel safe. A CDC spokesperson emphasized that while more schools are working to improve social-emotional support for students, much work remains to be done.
Categories: Teen Health

Probiotics during pregnancy shown to help moms and babies

Teen Health 2 - Thu, 2024-08-15 14:36
Giving probiotics to pregnant mice can enhance both the immune system and behavior of the mothers and their offspring.
Categories: Teen Health

Health Experts Argue Against Soda Companies Sponsoring Athletes

Teen Health & Wellness - Sat, 2024-08-10 10:56
Over 80 public health and sustainability groups around the world are urging the International Olympic Committee to drop Coca-Cola as a sponsor of the Olympic Games. The “Kick Big Soda Out of Sport” campaign emphasizes the harmful effects of sugary drinks on public health, linking them to increased obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Additionally, the campaign draws attention to the environmental harm resulting from the production, transportation, and disposal of plastic bottles, which contribute to increased CO2 emissions and pollution in our ecosystems and waterways. Coca-Cola has sponsored more sporting events than any other brand, and has sponsored every Olympic tournament since 1928.
Categories: Teen Health

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Teen Health 3 - Tue, 2024-07-30 16:32

Source: Nemours Foundation

Categories: Teen Health

Losing a loved one may speed up aging

Teen Health 2 - Mon, 2024-07-29 09:02
Losing someone close, like a family member, can make you age faster. The study found that people who lost a parent, partner, sibling, or child, showed signs of older biological age compared to those who hadn't experienced such losses.
Categories: Teen Health

Last decade saw big decrease in teens who used commonly prescribed and misused prescription drugs

Teen Health 2 - Thu, 2024-07-25 13:47
Since 2009, U.S. high school seniors have reported steep declines in medical use, misuse and availability of the three most commonly prescribed and misused controlled substances for teens, a new study found.
Categories: Teen Health


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